Monday, May 4, 2009


2-3 green plantain bananas
Garlic salt
Plenty of vegetable oil
Cut off each end of the plantain, run the knife along the entire outside curve making sure you cut into the thickness of the peel. Peel the plantain and cut in half. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan on medium high. Shred the bananas, place them in a bowl of garlic salted water and let them soak in the flavor of the garlic. Drain the shredded bananas through a pasta colander and then place on a paper towel to drain the excess water. Fry the shredded bananas in 1 tbsp. clumps for 4-5 minutes or until it turns bright yellow. Turn with tongs (not thongs sweetie). DO NOT OVER FRY or they will burn. Drain on paper towels and add salt or more garlic salt to taste.

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